In an interview today, I got asked what my favorite modules where.
Here's the list, links coming later.
- Coffee (key commands)
- Views
- Feeds
- Fences (easy switch between frameworks bootstrap/foundation/w3, etc)
- Field Group UX
- Linkit
- Pathauto
- Metatag / Blueprints SEO
- Geofield / Leaflet Maps w phplibraries
- Libraries
- Media_Entity_Twitter / Video_Embed_Field
- Token
- Webform
- CKEditor (because it has to work this time. Markdown friendly)
- Honeypot (written by Ansible Jeff)
- Antibot (REQUIRES javascript. works best, tho. bots don't use JS)
- Gin Toolbar
- Layout Manager
- JSON:API (reluctantly, but that is the way)
- Bootstrap, but switching to W3.css or ...
- Gin Admin